Although the E.U. has detractors (with more or less foundation) the truth is that it really offers many advantages, such as free movement for European citizens.
The Brexit has caused us to live in a cloud of uncertainty on many issues and has generated an avalanche of change of nationalities, new passports, permanent residences or acquisition of second nationalities.
Citizens want to avoid long queues at airports, filing in paperwork and applying for visas, they simply want to be able to freely travel to 27 countries with ease and without obstacles.
Although there are still 2 years left to know the full effects of Brexit, everything indicates that it will be a difficult negotiation for the simple fact that there are no precedents.
The National Bureau of Statistics accounts for 3.1 million Europeans in the United Kingdom and 900,000 British in the E.U.
If you are interested in processing the Spanish nationality or applying for permanent residence in our country, we can help you to obtain it.